Jag är Lucy in the Sky, jag är högt över molnen

Life is what you make of it. Always has been, always will be...

Love E

Boardwalk Empire

Kan tipsa om denna serien. Jag har bara hunnit se några avsnitt, men den verkar lovande. Den handlar om maffian i den amerikanska staden Atlantic City under förbudstiden. Om ni gillar Sopranos så är det mycket möjligt att ni gillar denna!


Love E

If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same

Dagens visdomsord:

"Var inte rädd för att släppa taget om saker som inte känns bra, det som väntar på andra sidan är oftast så mycket bättre!"

Love E

Turn-offs for men

Om ni har lite tid över kan ni alltid spana in denna text, där män listar de  10 mest avtändande egenskaperna/attributen hos kvinnor...

Hairiness – sorry ladies, call us unreconstructed if you must, but we draw the line at hairy legs, armpits and unkempt lady parts.

Ex-talk – we don’t care if he was God’s gift or Dr Evil, we don’t wanna hear endless stories about him. Geddit?

Clingyness – don’t get us wrong, we like to feel wanted, but independence is actually a huge turn on in a woman. Phone calls every five minutes and a constant need for reassurance on the other hand is guaranteed to do our heads in.

Obsessing about your weight – we’re glad you take pride in your appearance and we love you and your womanly curves, but don’t ask us if we think you look fat in that dress and then accuse us of lying if we say no.

Trying to define the relationship too early – asking ‘Where is this relationship going?’ after the first date is a total passion killer. Give us a chance and we might just give you the moon on a stick, but it ain’t gonna happen if you’re holding a gun to our head.

Baby talk – yes, we know you’re body clock is tick-tock-ticking, but don’t try and hustle us into fatherhood before we’re ready.

Wardrobe wars – when we said you could have some drawer space and a couple of hangers to keep your stuff on, that’s what we meant. So how come three quarters of our cupboard space is full of your dresses?

Your stray hairs – they’re everywhere, clogging up the sink, stuck to the carpet, all over the pillows, tangled in the hoover. It’s REALLY annoying.

‘Borrowing’ our clothes – we agree you look hot in that T shirt but we never said you could keep it and it happens to be our favourite so give it back.

Vanity –what’s with the twenty minute long toilet breaks? Take it from us, your make-up looks fine so stop nipping off to the bathroom for a touch-up. There’s some touching up of our own we’d like to get on with and it’s way more fun.

För er som inte förstår engelska, så kan jag sammanfatta det som att män vill att vi kvinnior ska vara självsäkra, självständiga, hårlösa (förutom på huvudet, men det får vi däremot inte tappa), ordningssamma (inte inkräkta på hans område), aningens känslokalla (åtminstonde i början) etc.

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